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EV SSL Approval Process

Steps to Obtain EV Authentication (GeoTrust)
  1. Complete the EV Enrollment to obtain a GeoTrust Order ID.
  2. The Organization’s approver (identified in the EV certificate order) must sign and submit the appropriate Acknowledgement of Agreement form (PDF)
  3. Following receipt of the AA form, the following authentication requirements will be carried out to ensure your order can be expediently processed:
A. Organization Authentication Requirements

GeoTrust must be able to confirm all of the following organizational registration requirements:

Some notes on completing the EV form:


On the form, please follow these instructions:
1) For Organization Name,  use your exact company name
2) For place of signing, use your exact company address that is on file with the government, BBB, etc
3) The final step after we get the form back to the SSL provider will be that they verify your info. against public records such as the Better Business Bureau, etc.  If they can not find a public source of informations confirming your company information, then they will require a bank letter confirming your company’s account with your bank.